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Discovery Day for Alternate Pension Provision Via Property Investment
Fiona MacGall
Platinum Portfolio Builder (PPB) shall be hosting a Portfolio Builder Discovery Day on 15 February,
2011 in Bournemouth, Dorset. The Discovery Day is a great program for those that are serious
about becoming a passive investor through PPB; they come to and learn exactly what the company is
about and exactly what advantages they’ll receive by working together with them.
Some of the reasons that seriously interested investors attend will be: to learn why property is
unquestionably the most secure investment vehicle accessible to us, to find out how PPB can resolve
your pension provision concerns while providing you with a steady income, to hear real life case
studies from several other PPB investors which attend, and naturally, to be able to network with the
founders of the firm, together with a number of key team members and local professionals.
This is an all day event, lasting from 9:30am-4pm. There will be planned demonstrations and
seminars presented throughout the day, addressing numerous topics which are highly relevant
to the possible investor. Furthermore, participants have a chance to visit a number of genuine
properties in the PPB portfolio. This is an excellent opportunity for attendees to see exactly how properties are managed with PPB, what quality of properties that are bought and the areas in which they are to be found. Following this, there’ll be one to one consultations with the PPB
Professional Advisors and team; these one on ones are designed to answer any questions you might have about the company specifically and for PPB to discover if they think you would be a satisfied and valued member of their network of investors. Obviously, there’ll be plenty of time to network and ask questions of
any team member.
Because this is an exclusive event created for serious high net worth investors only, to enrol a
number of criteria must be met. All of this information, in addition to a detailed agenda for the day,
can be obtained by following: http://www.platinumpropertypartners.net/find-out-more/partner-
discovery-day or by calling the PPB team direct on 01202 652 103.
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