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Salvia Divinorum Can Lead to Spiritual Awakenings by Chris RobertsonFor millennia, humans have ingested plants in order to enter altered states of consciousness. Shamans, healers, and spiritual seekers have used peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, and salvia divinorum to tap into the collective unconscious, experience astral projection, and find peace and tranquility. Despite the negative connotations associated with the use of plants in spiritual quests – largely by detractors of the so-called “psychedelic movement” in the late 1960s and early 1970s – there is a considerable body of research that substantiates the psychological benefits of ingesting psychoactive plants. In fact, there are many corollaries between the experiences of those who use plants in their spiritual quests and those who spend years engaged in meditative practices. The Role of Salvia DivinorumAlthough many of the substances that have been used for thousands of years are now illegal, there is one plant that can legally be used to enhance spiritual growth. Salvia divinorum, which is more commonly known as Diviner’s Sage, is a little-know entheogen that comes from the sage and mint families and that was originally used by the Mazatec shamans of Mexico. Those who buy salvia report a variety of experiences. Some experience leaving their bodies and traveling in the astral world, while others report traveling back in time or to a point in the future. Sometimes the experience includes empathy with other beings, including seeing the world through their perspective. Scientific research has substantiated a number of benefits associated with smoking salvia, such as increased insight, self-confidence, and mood, as well as improved concentration. Overall, many users reported common salvia effects like feelings of calmness and peacefulness. Ingesting SalviaAlthough salvia leaves may be chewed, the most effective way to reap the plants benefits is through smoking salvia. Although the dried leaves can be smoked in a water pipe, they must be heated to a very high temperature in order to release the psychoactive properties. For that reason, most people choose to extracts or preparations that are more highly concentrated. So, for example, they might buy salvia 10x, 20x, or 60x, with the numbers signifying the level of concentration. Where to Buy SalviaIf you think that salvia is a tool that can help you in your spiritual quest, you are probably wondering where to buy it. It’s best to buy salvia online, from reputable sites that have experience in both selling the plant and using the plant. The best online salvia sources offer a few different packages. They may, for example, offer a package containing six grams of salvia 10x, 20x, or 60x that will supply you with 12 to 15 doses, as well as one ounce of premium salvia divinorum foliage. Buying salvia is legal in virtually every country except Australia. Within the U.S., salvia is legal in 43 states. It is illegal in Delaware, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. If your life path is taking you on a spiritual journey, salvia can help you achieve the altered states of consciousness that lead to revelations and breakthroughs. Once you try it, you’ll understand why the literal translation of salvia divinorum is “sage of the seers.”Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies.For tips/information, click here: salviaVisit Majon’s New Age directory.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com